Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Suffering of the Innocent in Bowling for Columbine and Iraq essays

The Suffering of the Innocent in Bowling for Columbine and Iraq essays A clear and accurate picture of the state of affairs in USA is depicted in the documentary Bowling for Columbine'. The Director and Writer of the film Michael Moore, conveys the feeling of almost all Americans of today, which is this: why are Americans so very fond of guns' Why are Americans so very fond of shooting at one another at the slightest provocation' Why are leaders advocating the use of handguns' Why are so many people killing each other; the rate of such killings being much more than the average ratio of any other developed country' For example, Canada has a similar ratio of guns per citizen, but a mere tenth of deaths due to random shootings. The director makes Americans ponder these issues and plenty more such as: why do Americans need the protection of guns' Can't American citizens live without the security blanket offered by the presence of a gun' Why does news on the television aim at focusing on violent crimes and bleeding deaths' Why does the news base its emphasis on these scenes even if the rate of crime is at a decline- the TV news coverage of violence is up by 600%' (Bowling for Columbine) The scene of massacre is the Columbine High School where there is a shoot out, and students are dead or injured. The Director Michael Moore, who plays a sharp shooting teacher in the film, returns many times to the Columbine High School to show the viewers horrifying scenes of the massacre. Two students are seriously injured and lie at the scene of carnage completely shocked and bewildered. The Director who is present at the scene makes a startling comment that all the bullets that were used in he shoot out at the School had actually been sold to the teenaged students at the rate of a mere 17 cents per bullet! The place that had sold these bullets was Kmart and this shop...

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